Modern methods of teaching english | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Хужаниязова, Г. Ю. Modern methods of teaching english / Г. Ю. Хужаниязова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 12.4 (116.4). — С. 116-117. — URL: (дата обращения: 12.06.2024).


Цель данной статьи состоит в том, чтобы указать на один из самых эффективных и интересных способов изучения английского языка, которым является чтение английских газет. Они не только держат в курсе всех последних новостей и событий в мире, но и помогают расширить словарный запас, улучшить грамматику и письмо.

The purpose of this article is to point to one of the most effective and interesting way to learn English, which is to read English newspapers. They not only keep abreast of all the latest news and events in the world, but also help to expand vocabulary, improve grammar and writing.

Ключевые слова: предпочтения, периодические пособия, последние новости, расширить словарный запас, улучшить грамматику, создавая свой собственный стиль, навыки устной речи.

Keywords:preferences, periodical benefits, latest news, to expand vocabulary, improve grammar, creating their own style, oral communication skills.


Today there are many different methods and ways of teaching a foreign language, as well as a huge range of benefits, the choice of which depends only on your preferences, tastes and fantasies. One of the most effective and interesting way to learn English, in my opinion, is to read English newspapers. In fact, reading about foreign periodical benefits can talk endlessly. They not only keep abreast of all the latest news and events in the world, but also help to expand vocabulary, improve grammar and writing. However, most importantly, they contribute to the development of language skills, creating their own style and manner of speech. I also, as a teacher with years of experience, I can safely say that newspapers have one major advantage over the various aids and textbooks — is a «living» language, the language, using which, you will not look ridiculous and absurd among its speakers.

Furthermore, as practice shows, the use of newspapers and magazines in the classroom — it is a very exciting process, which encourages students to constantly improve their knowledge of a foreign language. A variety of newspapers and magazines allows you to engage with students of different levels of knowledge of a foreign language, and a variety of articles able to meet the students a wide variety of interests and tastes. Until the desire to study the American rather than British English. The important role played by the fact that now almost any foreign periodicals can be found on the Internet, and even living in a distant Russian province, you can read the latest edition of the British or American, and also free of charge.

Reading — it's a great way to improve your English language skills. In the process of reading in a foreign language you effortlessly learn new words, repeating the familiar structure, memorize hundreds of useful expressions and phrases. The main advantage of reading in English is that language learning «subconsciously» — without any exercises and grammar rules. It would seem that could be easier? Today we'll talk about how and what to read in order to improve the level of English.

1. Choose what you are interested in.

Among the thousands of books, magazines, newspapers and websites you are bound to find something that you like it. Interesting stuff, not only motivated to read, but also facilitates the process.

2. Read what you read earlier in the native language.

Find the translation (or original) book that you liked when you read it in their native language. This will greatly simplify the understanding of the text, since you already know in advance the contents.

3. Start with a literary adaptation.

This option is for you if you are in doubt about their knowledge and think that your English is not sufficiently strengthened to read the original. Books in the adapted (simplified) version can be found in book stores and on various websites (, etc.)

4. Read the news.

Read the news in their own language, and then refer to the English-language resources. This will greatly simplify the understanding of even the most difficult texts. Also, there are many sites where the news was originally published in the «simple English» (,,, etc.).

5. Read the magazines.

Most well-known magazines have an English version, an electronic version of which can be found online. magazines advantage is that they are written in a modern, vibrant, living language, and this is a real fount for studying English.

6. Try not to use a dictionary.

If you translate with a dictionary every unfamiliar word, reading will become a slow, boring and inefficient process. Understand unfamiliar words help context. Skip the part that you do not understand — you have to enjoy reading. Write out, emphasize and highlight words and phrases that you find interesting / necessary / important, but try not to get involved.

7. Put yourself mini-goals.

It all depends on what you are reading. If this is something three-dimensional, give yourself installation read 10–15 pages per day. Do you feel that no deal — Reduce the number of pages to 5–7, but do not give up on the system. If you decide to read the news — to pay this for 10–15 minutes every morning. You will be surprised how quickly enrich your vocabulary.

Based on my experience, the newspaper article — it's a huge number of interesting jobs, which are sure to enjoy both teachers and students. One of my favorite is called the «Title / Headline», when students only on the title you need to guess what was going on in the article and try to tell her. The same exercise can be done on key phrases or sentences, the isolation of the article. Thus, students expand vocabulary, improve their oral communication skills and develop their imagination, which is also important in the learning process. In practicing certain phrases and designs can be a little «gossip» about famous people, or about some scandalous incident. A useful phrases like: «? Have you heard about.».., «Did you know that...?»,«Guess what.»..or phrases to answer:?«Really? I do not believe it»,«Are you joking»,«How / when did it happen»-?? Help you with this.

Grammar also will not stand aside. Depending on the knowledge of grammatical material, it is possible to carry out tasks of varying complexity, for example, to make interrogative sentences on the subject or to find verbs, after which used the gerund / infinitive with to / not to. Of course, learning any foreign language, first of all, you need to find a good professional, reliable and trustworthy mentor who will guide you right to the target.




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