Role of active learning in medical colleges | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Абилашимова, М. Т. Role of active learning in medical colleges / М. Т. Абилашимова, А. С. Шаихыбек, Л. Н. Саим. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 10.1 (144.1). — С. 3-5. — URL: (дата обращения: 11.06.2024).

This article discusses the need to apply active learning in medical school. Which define the role of the teacher and the student in the learning process. Active learning methods, encouraging the development of cognitive activity of students and the formation of cognitive and professional motives, systemic thinking of the future expert, and collective practical work and interaction skills. The essence of active teaching methods aimed at forming skills, is to ensure that the students of the tasks in the process of decision which they acquire their own abilities and skills.

Key words: Active training methods, interactive methods, innovations, TBL method of training, new pedagogical technologies.

Relevance: Modern methods of training various in an education system, and at all actions, which, with application various and special value of high-quality training of specialists in creative the direction which adhere to the in the method of qualified specialists again. Means, medical and pedagogical college of activity and creative to development of action of students and knowledge of educational tendencies. In training of students, the organization and in training of technologies of application of methods of training educational process in many respects in it is connected. In training of students who receives professional skill pedagogical only pedagogics and psychology it is deep in training modern scientific the data enriched, training and brings up success. Now in forming of primary knowledge of students in the future to create the specialist the skilled doctor, medical colleges lower and upper a rate, at the professional level and their self-checking, independently educational and specifics in forming the direction urgent their rational method as bases of the organization of capabilities is group training [1].

Aim of the work: On occupations new modern methodical development of the directions and advance on the basis of introduction of interactive methods professionalism of students in training skilled and broad application


1. Modern experimental class students familiarity with the structure of the system of medical education.

2. In educational process of interactive methods of work to production, audience of students, on all types to intensify participation of new pedagogical methods and technologies.

3. Respectively, the students studying at a lesson optimization of educational process, skilled to activation of qualification at the high level of supervision aspiration to creative educational having titles.

Transformations in educational institutions education strategy an important component – active learning. Active learning is the new methods, methods and means of education. It includes all audiences active methods of training students.

An effective method – interactive teaching method in medical education colleges. The advantage of online learning in addressing issues in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities and developed, creative and communicative skills specialist holding orientation will not only give a condition on the impact of creative formation. This method – the experienced skills and it is effective in the performance of practical knowledge.

In medical colleges of biological and medical disciplines of active training methods of the reason of application. First: the gained knowledge only occupies specific knowledge of students only experienced skills of regulation, and also the producer; the second: such types of training («business games», «a round table», «subgroup work», «clinical solutions of cases» etc.), educational process and activity stimulation, the student of the relations and the teacher, will allow to make active. In medical colleges of biological and medical disciplines of active training methods of the reason of application. First: the gained knowledge only occupies specific knowledge of students only experienced skills of regulation, and also the producer; the second: Such types of training («business games», «a round table», «subgroup work», «clinical solutions of cases», etc.), educational process and activity stimulation, the student of the relations and the teacher, will allow to make active. Participation in a discussion with students during the teacher's occupations opinion can be various, but the task has the opinion. During any significant thinking, ability to manage in the allowed time, requiring creative search in visualization problem questions follows making in the way through delivered. The error of opinions to practice his conclusion can specify the point of view on the basis of discussion of the formulation of views the teacher of students. As a result of questions of course studying opinion the provided and arisen teacher of his position which can correspond. Only in such a way theoretical questions, and also questions, not only from intellectual cognitive trial, the integrated any significant actions, providing in actions training of personal beliefs of the receiver in them on theoretical formation educational education of mounting and education. The specification of skilled and active actions generally of development consists of active action of training. Emergence and emergence of new duties of active action of training. They consists from: only, but also informative views and abilities and skills of possession of development and formation, creative reflection of education by the student, personal thinking of work providing. Active training personal simple training is turned off by features: that is, their needs for special conditions have discussed educations at buyers, thinking of actions formation by emergence independent activities [2].

As a means to improve the quality of training the learning process, and generally the organization and management of learning techniques are attendant tool. They enhance the students' actions and many are considered based on these or other issues, it is made available for the replacement of the position in the line, an informative dialogue. The ability to master and methods of application, relevant content, and its nature is dependent on them in the relevant funds. Creation, in the classroom, to develop relations in the group of active learning methods free co-operation of teachers will create a positive climate applications.

Besides, in training of highly qualified specialists using innovative methods educational institution – one of the tasks which are carried out difficult complex the present government of education of students training.

Research methods. In the problems of education in the direction of many of the training of medical college PBL – Problem Based Learning, a group directed at learning CBL – clinical Based Learning, in studies directed at training TBL – Team Based Learning, clinical, directed at training RBL – Research-based learning. The classes TBL teacher plays the role of organizer and consultant, creates the conditions for cooperation, mutual learning, and take the initiative of the students.

At present time, interest in the TBL of training is growing among medical school faculty or colleges. Methods of team based learning includes both individual and group work of students. And consists of some steps:

  1. Individually test
  2. Group testing
  3. Analysis of the main issues the topic
  4. The decision of situational problems (clinical cases)
  5. Discussion
  6. Conclusion

After the practical part, the group discussed the results, trying to interpret them, to draw conclusions. At the end of class the teacher concludes by summarizing the theoretical part. It is voiced an assessment of each student, commenting and explaining the reasons why it was put up such a score. This rating takes account of TBL teacher and work in a team activity, and possession of practical skills to work on devices with biological material [3].

Specific corporate training orders aimed at solving. Situational visualization tasks of problematic issues, as well as application solutions and consider solutions. And communication skills, thereby increasing the activity of the students, the group improves skills in the learning process. Overall, through these methods of evaluation of the role of each of the students, it makes it possible to analyze and determine the share of each participant in all the tasks.

It should be noted, with the introduction of a class of students is associated with increased activity of the active teaching methods in the training process with due regard to:

- Teacher and students of the regulatory framework, independently of each other, to work;

- In addition, some gifted students adopt capabilities.

- The level of self-government of students, but not determined by comparing the other, after that time;

In the case of self-humanization of human tutor to enhance the educational formation. The received results and the conclusion. During the command-based learning, students learn to express their own opinions, formulate utterances, conclusively defend his point of view, listen to alternative opinion carefully. This arrangement creates a spirit of competition sessions and informative environment. There is an impact on students' intellectual activity that allows you to integrate the previously obtained knowledge and expertise with related disciplines. This allows you to differentiate between information and allows you to see the scope of application of acquired knowledge in the future professional activity. Command-based learning to develop students' confidence in their abilities, develops communication skills and clinical thinking skills. From the perspective of psychology, the organization of training in the form of TBL allows students to develop cooperation with different levels of ability; creating a competitive effect – improves the weak students motivation to study the subject.

How effective method of learning for the third course, that the results of the students analysis 80% efficiency. According to them, TBL method than traditional teaching methods more interesting. Also shown informative thinking, increase the initiative of the students. Command – based learning (TBL) enhances motivation to educational activity in students.


  1. Gazizova G. M. Use of methods of interactive training of successful mastering қалай factor students professional competences. // Work MEIL: online magazine. – 2008. №7 – P.8.
  2. Aytkenova A. A., Aymyshova K. K., Seiilkhanova A. A., Sabanbaev N. I. Medical forming of educational students of qualification higher educational on efficiency of innovative approach // In the present of the botanic: bioresources, biodiversity, biotechnologies. International scientific and practical conference materials. November 27-28. 2014. P.208 – 211.
  3. Akyzhanova A. Sh., Seiilkhanova A. A., Ybraimzhanova A. K., Nurmanova A. K. Technology in education as the main the price of scientific and methodical providing". In the field of safety // technologies and lives education: Prospects to provision questions. Materials of the international conference, on January 31, 2014, section 1. P.110 – 113.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TBL, CBL, MEIL, PBL, RBL.

Ключевые слова

Интерактивные методы, инновации, Активные методы обучения, Метод обучения TBL, Новые педагогические технологии, innovations, interactive methods, Active training methods, TBL method of training, new pedagogical technologies

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