Practical importance and effectiveness of interactive and integrated methods in learning foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №4 (399) январь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 30.01.2022

Статья просмотрена: 21 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Харатова, Ш. Х. Practical importance and effectiveness of interactive and integrated methods in learning foreign languages / Ш. Х. Харатова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 4 (399). — С. 386-388. — URL: (дата обращения: 10.06.2024).

In the article, the researcher discusses the results of research on the importance, operation and effectiveness of new pedagogical methods in teaching English, especially interactive and integrated methods. Most of the methods as a sample are analyzed in depth and form.

Keywords: method, interactivity, student, foreign languages, importance, curricula, reading load.

As one of the means of knowing and communicating with the world around us, a foreign language has a special place in the modern education system due to its social, cognitive and developmental functions. Given the growing role of English as a leading means of international communication in the world and the fact that there are no serious tendencies to stop or slow down this process, the challenge is to use effective methods in this regard. teaching English is very important. In the modern sense, the learning process is seen as a process of interaction between teacher and students to introduce students to certain knowledge, skills, abilities and values. Each teaching method organically involves the teacher’s academic work and the organization of students ’active learning and cognitive activities. That is, the teacher, on the one hand, explains the learning material himself, on the other hand, seeks to stimulate students' learning and cognitive activity (encourages them to think, draw independent conclusions, etc.).

A foreign language lesson is seen as a social phenomenon in which the classroom teacher and students enter into a specific social relationship with each other, a specific social environment in which the learning process is the interaction of all participants. However, success in learning is the result of the collective use of all opportunities to learn. And students need to be involved in that process. All classifications have methods of verbal expression of knowledge. These include storytelling, explanation, explanation, conversation, briefing. Oral methods are used at all stages of learning: in preparation for mastering new material, in the process of explaining, mastering, generalizing and applying it.

The story is a figurative, colorful, vivid monologue presentation of the teaching material by the teacher. This method is often used in the lower classes. When children need to be informed about bright, new facts, events, things that children cannot directly observe, the teacher turns to the story. The story is a powerful source of influence on the mental activity, imagination, and emotions of young students, broadening their worldview. If there are more signs of a passive approach in the story, explanation is an active way to present complex, logical, clear issues that are open to children. The explanation is, of course, combined with the children’s participation, their own observations, experiments and demonstration of action patterns, illustrations. The explanation is complemented by instructions on operations, actions, assignments: how to learn poetry, do exercises, organize the workplace, and so on. Storytelling, narration, and lecture are one of the teaching methods that provide monologue or information. Conversation is a dialogic way of presenting learning material (Greek Dialogos — a conversation between two or more people), which in itself speaks to the important peculiarities of this style.

The essence of the conversation is that the teacher, through skillful questions, encourages students to think, to activate thinking, to analyze the studied facts and events in a certain logical sequence, to take an independent approach to relevant theoretical conclusions and generalizations. The importance of the round table method in mastering the subject of English is great. It is known that in the method, the teacher formulates the problem and offers the task to the students. The student is able to assess the importance of the problem in the process. Students will be able to speak on the issue presented. They discuss their positions and come to a common decision. One of the well-known methods is the Brainstorming method, which focuses not only on discussing the problem but also on solving it. However, according to this method of teaching English, listeners are divided into two groups — «idea generators» who actually offer ideas and «experts» who evaluate each position at the end of the «attack».

It is well known that the effectiveness of the game method in teaching foreign languages has a positive effect, given that the English teachers we train teach elementary or high school. The main advantages of the game method are the lack of a mechanism to force lessons and the fact that the child's great interest is formed in the game. The teacher conducts a variety of games with the children on the vocabulary and grammatical structures they have learned, in which the children quickly memorize them and learn to use them in speech. The audio-lingual method of teaching English is also important. The essence of this method is that the child understands the foreign speech by ear. A characteristic feature in this case is the analogy method used in memorizing new words. In doing so, we can memorize basic language constructions and frequently used vocabulary. This method, in turn, makes it easier to build sentences and connections on everyday topics. This style is also distinguished by the ability to memorize various dialogues. The first is to develop basic grammatical and lexical structures using a basic set of words. Then the dictionary is gradually filled with new lexical units.

If we talk about games in the classroom, then they serve as a kind of break and help to shift attention from one task to another. Consequently, concentration and, of course, mood increase. Games can be used at any stage of the lesson, whether it is to develop phonetic rules, grammatical or lexical topics, to develop reading rules, as well as to practice listening. Role-playing games help to activate thinking, stimulate interest in a particular type of activity, a specific exercise, and are also the most powerful motivating factor in meeting the needs of school students for the novelty of the material being studied.

Features of the English language according to Dragunkin's approach:

There are inflected and unchanging words in English. The second class has 27 lexical units, which are «central figures» in learning. The author invents his own schemes that allow him to put all his obscure things on «shelves». He also found a unique way of explaining the use of tenses in English. It is also easier to receive information in the following ways: by ear, through a textbook, using video lessons, in a playful way, and so on. The interests of the student are also taken into account. His own opinion and personal interests should not be overlooked. To help the reader as much as possible, it is necessary to explain his perceptual channel and the direction of the tasks accordingly.

The conversation is a dialogue: the teacher’s questions and the students answers. The student's mind follows the teacher's point of view, and as a result, students gradually move in as they learn new knowledge.

According to the meeting, the talks will be divided into:

1)introductory or organizational;

2)communication of new knowledge;

3)synthesis or determination;

4)inspection and correction.

Reproductive and heuristic conversations are distinguished according to students ’level of cognitive independence. The introductory (preparatory) interview is usually held before the start of the study. Its purpose is to determine if students have a good understanding of the meaning of the next task and have a good idea of what and how to do it.

Conclusion. In fact, interactive methods encourage the student to be an active member of the class, to think independently, to use their brains, resulting in long-term memory. Not only knowledge of students, but also interest, strength, knowledge, teamwork, freedom of thought will increase. It is well known that in all types of methods, a problem or question is asked around a specific topic and students are paired. Each student is given enough time to draw the right conclusions and students are given the opportunity to share their conclusions with their own voices. Interactive methods have the following advantages. First, the methods allow students to communicate more effectively with each other using a foreign language, expanding their intercultural knowledge. Second, it develops communication skills, thinking, and unlocks creative potential in a foreign language under natural conditions. Third, it increases student motivation and self-confidence, teaches all language skills. Fourth, it increases language competence and natural speaking skills, develops interest in different languages, their use in different spheres of life.


  1. Innovative methods of teaching English; Kharatova Sh.Kh; « Экономика и социум » 3 (82) 2021
  2. «The importance of foreign language teaching in higher education institutions» Kharatova Shakhlo Khakimova; «Science and education» in volume #2 issue #5, MAY 2021;
  3. «Problems of foreign language teaching and its solution» Kharatova Shakhlo Khakimovna; «Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире» Iscience.IN.UA Выпуск 4(72) ч. Стр 60; ISSN 2524–0986.
  4. Харатова Ш. Х. Эффективные способы изучения английского языка; Academy 2 (53) «Олимп» 2020;
  5. Shakhlo Khakimovna Kharatova; Tendencies of development of distance education in global transformation; Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences 10. 2021;
  6. T.Kh. Ismailov; «Musical currents and the formation of Russian classical music» « Вестник магистратур ы » 2021. № 5 (116) ISSN 2223–4047;
  7. Ismailov Tohir «Characteristics of Khorezm doston art» « Экономика и социум » № 3(82) 2021
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ISSN, MAY.

Ключевые слова

foreign languages, method, student, importance, interactivity, curricula, reading load

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