Use of instant messaging in business | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Маркетинг, реклама и PR

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №45 (440) ноябрь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 11.11.2022

Статья просмотрена: 16 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Mosso, Jean Noël. Use of instant messaging in business / Jean Noël Mosso. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 45 (440). — С. 318-319. — URL: (дата обращения: 09.06.2024).

The article is about exploring the main features of the use of instant messaging in business communication.

Keywords: instant messaging, business, communication, IM, social network platform

Статья посвящена изучению основных особенностей использования мгновенных сообщений в деловом общении.

Ключевые слова : мгновенные сообщения, бизнес, коммуникация, платформа социальной сети


The popularity of instant messaging is well established since decade. Most people utilize it due to these widely spreading nowadays unavoidable tools: social networking platforms. Like simple users, businesses also can benefit from the advantages of instant messaging. The article provide a definition of the concept and an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of instant messaging in business.


Communication is important in business organization. Business processes at all level requires interaction and effective information exchange between coworkers (for example many teams working on different parts of the same project or between superior and subordinate). It should be done regardless time and space as businesses can spread all over the world. For this purpose, in the early years of the internet many communications platforms such as wikis, blogs, emails, etc. have been widely adopted by businesses at a global level (Turner, Qvarfordt, Biehl, Golovchinsky, & Back, 2010) [1]. They were preferred to traditional courier and fax and stood as very important communication device. Although in the recent years, businesses use instant messaging tools (IM) to communicate with all people they interact with. These are platforms like Whatsapp, Skype, Google Meet, Messenger (from Facebook), Zoom etc. and according to Handel and Herbsleb (2002) [2], they are replacing the use of emails.

IM can be used both for internal (employees) and external (clients, suppliers) communication. Businesses benefit from it and as recent studies shown, the number of companies using IM is increasing [3].

Instant messaging: definition

Instant messaging (IM) is the process by which people exchange text-based messages on a real-time basis [4]. It is done through application on smartphone or software on computer. Generally, these tools are cross-platform, so they have available version for both smartphones and computers allowing to stay connected in a convenient way.

The instant messaging conversation takes place between two user profiles, for example between company and single customer. IM imitate in-person communication. In this case, conversation have generally a start and an end. Text messages they are composed of are also shorter than email messages and don’t require letter writing style [5].

According to Gary W. Larson (2016) [6], IM has two important features: firstly, it makes possible to see whether the user we want to reach is present or not on the platform in order to send alert (notification) and secondly send simply messages. Although it is important to mention that the communication process don’t require both users to be connected to start. When they are both online, messages are marked read or mostly seen. Plus, as the conversation take place on a real-time basis, there is no time and space constraints.

Advantages of using IM in business

As indicated by the name, IM allows instant communication. This is a real time saver and companies benefit from. Hedlund (2011) [7] argues that IM help in that way to increase productivity of the company. There is no need to walk to someone office to see if he or she is available, send and wait email response, or wait for a response to a call. Those time-consuming activities are eliminated.

Also, if a company uses externally administrated systems like social media platforms, it means that there is no need in some extent to care about the infrastructure [8].

Plus, IM lies between phone call and email as it is less intrusive than the first and faster than the latter. According to Perey (2004) [9], IM is a good communication tool alternative in crisis, because issues can be fixed as quick as they arise.

Instant messaging are net only use to send text messages, they also provide a wide range of other option such as status setting, link and file sharing, mentions, etc. [10].

Disadvantages of IM

There is a big concern about security when using IM in business. Emails platforms check files and links in the inbox for viruses or suspicious URL but IM don’t do that (Woodard, 2011) [11]. So, company confidential information or customer data can leaked due to malware or viruses attack. Plus, employees may during work time be distracted by family or friends messages [12].


Using instant messaging is a big chance for company to increase productivity. It helps making time-consuming action faster. IM is an all-in-one tool through which, it is possible to share text, files, link, position etc. Companies should be careful while using it as it can be a gateway for viruses and malwares. Also employees must be educated in responsible use of IM.


  1. Turner, T., Qvarfordt, P., Biehl, J. T., Golovchinsky, G., & Back, M. (2010). Exploring the Workplace Communication Ecology. FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
  2. Herbsleb, J. D., Atkins, D. L., Boyer, D. G., Handel, M., & Finholt, T. A. (2002, April). Introducing instant messaging and chat in the workplace.
  3. The Radicati Group, Inc. Instant Messaging Statistics Report, 2019–2023.
  4. Instant Message (IM), Last updated: November 14, 2016. (
  5. Instant Messaging by Ben Lutkevich. (
  6. Larson, Gary W.. «Instant messaging». Encyclopedia Britannica, 14 Jul. 2016, Accessed 10 November 2022.
  7. Hedlund, U. (2011, 11). Does Instant Messaging Increase Business Productivity?, workplace-increase-business-productivity/
  8. Derrick Rountree, in Security for Microsoft Windows System Administrators, 2011
  9. Perey, C. (2004, June). Eight benefits of IM. from Network World:
  10. The benefits of instant messaging in business communication Jelena Simonovic Last updated on: July 7, 2022.
  11. Woodard, R. (2011, Junuary 24). Pros and Cons of Instant Messaging. From Bright Hub:
  12. Carlson, J. R., Zivnuska, S., Harris, R. B., Harris, K. J. and Carlson, D. S., (2016). Social media use in the workplace: A study of dual effects. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC), 28(1), 15–31.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): JOEUC, URL, USA.

Ключевые слова

IM, communication, Instant Messaging, business, social network platform

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